1. User shall place the following Clocklink code on a website, weblog or other internet location controlled by User, or as allowed by permission of such site owner, according to the instructions provided on Clocklink.com 2. Other than the modification options provided by Owner (type, color, time zone, etc) User shall not alter, adjust, modify the code provided in anyway without the express written permission of Owner. 3. While we make every effort to support this product, User accepts Clocklink and the Clocklink Code as is. Owner provides no guarantee or warranty that the Clocklink code will function properly on User's site or with every browser and Owner shall not be liable to User or any third party for any damage or loss incurred, monetary or otherwise, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use of the Clocklink or the Clocklink code. If User has any difficulty with Clocklink, you should contact Owner at the Contact Us page on Clocklink.com. User's sole remedy for problems caused by the Clocklink code is to remove the tag from User's website or other location. 4. Owner shall retain the all rights and ownership of Clocklink and the Clocklink code and may terminate User's use of the same without notice and at any time. 5. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Washington. User agrees that if legal action is required to enforce the terms of this agreement, venue shall be in the courts of King County, Washington, USA.
Posted by : tajuddin al anshori Rabu, 16 November 2016

Pengertian Tentang Meme

Meme ? Apa sih itu, mungkin kata "meme" masih asing ditelinga kalian,

Meme (dibaca Mim, bukan me-me) menurut saya adalah sebuah gambar dari sebuah film, acara tv dll, dan ditambahkan tulisan dan gambarnya sudah di-verifikasi oleh Know Your Meme, Jadi Mad Dog, Amin Richman itu belum diverifikasi oleh Know Your Meme, Jadi tidak bisa disebut Meme, Hanya disebut "Image Caption" (gambar yang diberi tulisan)

Kalian Bisa Menemukan Meme Di Internet contoh (Indonesia) : 1CAK ,
Kalau yang luar negeri : 9GAG  , MemeCenter,

Perbedaan Meme dan Rage Comic
-Kalau meme menggunakan sebuah gambar yang simpel
-Kalau rage comic menggunakan beberapa gambar yang menciptakan sebuah cerita singkat

sumber :http://lirvan48.blogspot.co.id/2013/03/pengertian-tentang-meme.html

Contoh gambaran Meme Comic Indonesia ketika teman luh menjadi pesulap yang handal

contoh gambaran ketika ada ujian mendadak di sekolah

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